
Sublime in a sentence
Sublime in a sentence

sublime in a sentence

This usage is a little more abstract - you might talk about sublime truths that are beyond the scope of mortal comprehension, or of a sublime deity that's stunning in its power and perfection. A slightly different usage describes something as deserving of love, respect, or devotion because it is extremely wholesome or awesome, perhaps even to the point of divinity. The idea of purity or transcendence is actually a recurring theme in the various meanings of sublime. This application often hints at a notion of goodness or purity, suggesting that whatever's being described is wonderful because it's the very best it can be. A sublime poem would seem transcendental in its power and lyric grace a sublime bowl of ice cream would have absolutely hit the spot, transporting you to a higher plane of sweet dairy existence on a hot summer evening. When used in this sense, sublime implies that something is utterly extraordinary, stopping your breath for a bit and providing a deep, inspiring experience.

sublime in a sentence

In everyday speech and writing, you're most likely to encounter sublime being used to characterize something as incredible or extremely beautiful or enjoyable. Why does sublime make us more excited than Gertrude Stein with a sentence to be diagrammed? Let's start with its multitude of uses as an adjective. It's truly a sublime choice for any lover of words! Sublime's versatility allows it to color any phrase and gives speakers a flexible tool to use in conversation. In fact, sublime is a perfect example of one of these scintillating terms. The nuances of their definitions, the wide scope of their applications, the subtle ways their meanings can change with just the slightest shift of context or inflection - when these traits combine, they make for a linguistic experience that we find simply sublime. Lexicographers appreciate all words, but there are a few that really get our pages turning.

Sublime in a sentence