
Capricorn enemies
Capricorn enemies

capricorn enemies

Ketu, who is aspecting the 6th house, is also strong because his sign dispositor Mercury is also Vargottama. Another occupant of the 6th house is Rahu, who acquired strength because of the strong position of his sign dispositor Jupiter. The 6th occupant Venus (lord of 4th house/MT and 11th house) gained strength from an exchange of signs with Vargottama Jupiter. In the above chart, the 6th lord Jupiter is Vargottama in the 11th and well placed. (IST) at 25N27, 81E51 with a balance of 1 year, 3 months and 25 days of Sun Dasa at birth. The chart below is in respect of a most important and revered personality who was born on at 11.13 P.M. On the contrary, if the 6th lord is strong and the 6th house is lashed with benefic intervention, one is free from enemies, diseases, and debt as well as successful in competitions. After a year of humiliation and a complete breakdown of health due to neglect and squalid prison conditions, he was hanged to death. The native, Prime Minister, of a neighbouring country was arrested and put in jail by his political adversaries. The aspect of 2nd lord Moon from 12th house (house of prison) on conjunct 6th lord Mars and 8th lord Saturn, further points towards death in prison in the hand of rivals. As already explained, 2nd & 7th houses are treated to be death inflicting houses and the aspects of the Jupiter and Moon on conjunct 6th lord Mars with 8th lord Saturn clearly indicative of termination of life in the hand of rivals. Kendradipathi Dosha vitiates the aspect of Jupiter on 6th lord Mars and is of no help. All the occupants of the 6th house including afflicted 6th lord are being aspected by the 2nd lord Moon from 12th house and the 7th lord Jupiter from 10th house. Ketu afflicts the 6th occupants Venus, Mars and Saturn, as well. The 6th lord is in the 6th afflicted by Saturn (8th lord) and Ketu. (IST) at 27N27, 68E08 with a balance of 3 years, 9 months and 27 days of Mars main period at birth. The native at chart below was born on at 5.26 p.m. If such weak sixth lord conjunct the eighth lord in houses 2nd or 7th and influence the most effective points of any of these two houses where these ‘dusthana lords’ are located can even cause death of such nativity in the hand of enemies at the time of running of unfavourable period and sub-period. However, the benefic aspects on sixth house and its lord reduce the bite of enemies to a large extent.

capricorn enemies

If the sixth lord is weak and the sixth house is afflicted by malefics especially, by hardcore malefic like Rahu through occupation or aspects, one has to bear with him the nagging problem of enemies throughout his life.

capricorn enemies

The sixth house is grouped in ‘trika/dusthana’ (meaning bad house) in Vedic Astrology. Animosity with boss/superiors can be predicted if such affliction occurs in 9th house, with friends and colleagues if such affliction happens in 11th house and with subordinates if such afflictions take place in 5th house. A weak 6th lord if afflicts the 10th lord through conjunction or aspect can give rise to enemies in the work place. A weak 6th lord if afflicts 3rd house can cause continuous problem from neighbours and younger coborns. encompassing all those within its ambit who keep an evil spirit against us in their minds as well as spell out the same through their actions. The enemies may be in the form of adversaries, competitors, neighbours, and group of persons etc. The sixth house of a horoscope besides other significations denotes our enemies. But, Astrology can find a most potent way for you to pacify your enemy factors, be it for an individual nativity or in respect of the cases coming under the purview of mundane astrology. Compromise formula, although equivalent to a virtual surrendering before the enemy element, even also most often does not work as foolproof. Is there any method to decimate or atleast to contain the enemy force more so in the event if it happens to be a powerful one than you? I think ‘No’. The term enemy itself is a dreaded and most frightening one and is in the inventory of ‘most unwanted things’ in our life.

Capricorn enemies